DFG Priority Programme 1840 QUTIF Quantum Dynamics in Tailored Intense Fields

QUTIF Young Researcher Meeting 4-7 Dec 2018 in Berlin

The purpose of the 2nd QUTIF Young Researcher Meeting is to gather master and PhD students and postdocs in a friendly environment to present and discuss our work. It takes place from Dec 4th to Dec 7th.


The meeting takes place at the Max Born Institute Berlin. Accomodation will be provided in nearby hotels.


  • Every participant is encouraged to bring at least one contribution (poster/talk).
  • Suggestions for invited speakers can be directed to the conference organizers.
  • There is no registration fee, and transportation and accommodation costs of QUTIF members will be covered by the QUTIF funds.


The conference is organized by David Ayuso and Álvaro Jiménez-Galán (qutif2018@mbi-berlin.de).


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